Shipping, Returns and Exchanges

Shipping in Italy


The shipping service is active throughout Italy . The ordered items will be delivered via GLS, FEDEX courier or TNT .

Shipping available

The shipping cost is €6.90 . Shipping is free over €59 spent.


Specific shipping times for each item are clearly indicated on the corresponding product page.

If the item is in stock, we aim to deliver it within 2-3 working days.

If the item is not in stock we need more time to receive it here and prepare it for delivery. You will receive your order in approximately 10-20 working days.

However, please note that these times are estimates and may vary due to exceptional or unforeseen circumstances that may affect the shipping process.

Once the items have been shipped, the customer will receive a confirmation email or a message with a link to refer to for tracking the shipment.

Islands and remote areas could be served with longer times. During holiday periods, deliveries may be delayed.

Right of exchange

The right of exchange is free.

The Customer can communicate to proceed with the change via:

The following must be indicated:

  • order number (shown in the email received after purchase)
  • name and surname of the order holder

The collection of the goods will be organized by Antiope Design. We will instruct the GLS courier to proceed with the pick-up at the shipping address indicated during the purchase.

Once the return has been received in our warehouses, within 14 working days, we will process a Discount Code for an amount equal to the value of the returned items (excluding initial shipping costs). The coupon is unique and personal and does not expire.

Antiope Design reserves the right to refuse items that are not in the same initial condition.


Right of withdrawal

The Customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract within 14 days from the delivery date. The withdrawal may concern all or only part of the products purchased by the customer.

In case of withdrawal, the return shipment is borne by the Customer , as provided for in section V of the articles. 52-59 Consumer Code.

The Customer may communicate his withdrawal via:

The following must be indicated:

  • order number (shown in the email received after purchase)
  • name and surname of the order holder
  • if you take charge of the shipment or if you request it to be organized by Antiope Design (at the flat rate of €9.90 , which will be deducted from the refund)

Once the return procedure has been taken care of,

  • if the Customer sends the goods on his own , once the return has been received in our warehouses, we will process the refund procedure within 14 working days of the entire amount paid during the purchase, including shipping costs ( section V of art. 52 -59 Consumer Code).
  • if the Customer entrusts Antiope Design with the collection of the goods , we will instruct the GLS courier to proceed with the pick-up at the shipping address indicated during the purchase. Once the return has been received in our warehouses, we will process the refund procedure within 14 working days of the amount paid during the purchase phase, from which the cost of the return organized by Antiope Design, equal to €9.90, must be deducted (this expense is calculated at a flat rate and does not depend on the volumetric weight of the shipment).

Antiope Design reserves the right to refuse items that are not in the same initial condition.


The Shipping Costs are expressly indicated in the Order summary in which, before the Customer sends the Purchase Order, the total Shipping Costs due will be indicated.

The delivery obligation is considered fulfilled by transferring material availability or control of the Products to the Customer. The risk of loss or damage to the Products, for reasons not attributable to the Seller, will be transferred to the Customer when the Customer, or a third party designated by the latter and other than the carrier, physically comes into possession of the Products.

In case of non-delivery due to the absence of the recipient at the address specified in the Order, after two unsuccessful delivery attempts the Shipment will go into "storage"; in the event that the Customer expressly refuses to take delivery of the purchased Products, the Shipment will automatically go into storage. In the event of failure to collect the Products within 7 (seven) working days from the day following the day on which the courier left the notice of passage or from the day on which the Customer refused to take delivery of the Products, or in the event of failure to deliver due to incorrect address, the Sales Contract will be considered terminated pursuant to art. 1456 cc The Customer will have the right to obtain a refund equal to the purchase price of the Products paid by the Customer, including shipping costs, minus the costs incurred by the Seller for unsuccessful delivery and return, as well as for custody. The total amount thus determined will be communicated by the Seller to the Customer.